October 18, 2024
493 Companies Share Their SaaS Security Battles – Get Insights in this Webinar
In today's digital world, security risks are more prevalent than ever, especially when it comes to Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. Did you know that an alarming 97% of companies face serious risks from unsecured SaaS applications?Moreover, about 20% of these organizations are struggling with internal data threats. These statistics aren't just numbers; they're a wake-up call. We're

Jan 29, 2024The Hacker NewsSaaS Security / Webinar

In today’s digital world, security risks are more prevalent than ever, especially when it comes to Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. Did you know that an alarming 97% of companies face serious risks from unsecured SaaS applications?

Moreover, about 20% of these organizations are struggling with internal data threats. These statistics aren’t just numbers; they’re a wake-up call.

We’re excited to invite you to a not-to-be-missed webinar, “Critical SaaS Security Do’s and Don’ts: Insights from 493 Companies,” with Ran Senderovitz, the Chief Operating Officer of Wing Security. Ran isn’t just going to talk about the problems; he’s going to dive deep into the realities of SaaS security, backed by extensive research and data analysis from almost 500 companies using SaaS.

Here’s What This Webinar Offers:

    Insights Across Data, SaaS Applications, Users, and AI: Explore a comprehensive analysis of the statistics about SaaS security, discovered by Wing’s data and threat intelligence teams.

    Practical Tips for Enhanced SaaS Security: Receive actionable tips that can be implemented immediately to strengthen your organization’s security posture, ensuring a proactive defense against emerging SaaS-related threats.

    SaaS Threat Forecast 2024: Stay ahead of SaaS threats by hearing about expected challenges within the SaaS landscape, anticipated for the year ahead, and solutions to mitigate these challenges.

Why Should You Attend?

This webinar is tailor-made for those in the security and IT sectors. It’s more than just a discussion; it’s an opportunity to arm yourself with the knowledge and tools to fortify your organization against SaaS-related threats. With Wing’s comprehensive research and practical advice, you’ll walk away with valuable knowledge and actionable steps for a more secure SaaS environment.

Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to stay one step ahead in the evolving world of SaaS security. Register now to transform these challenges into opportunities for strengthening your organization’s security posture.

Reserve Your Webinar Spot ➜

See you there!

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