February 23, 2025

Age of plastic — Hurricane Larry dumped 100,000 microplastics per sq. meter on Newfoundland each day It’s another sign of how plasticized our environment has become.

Matt Simon, wired.com – Dec 19, 2023 2:35 pm UTC EnlargeJ Marshall/NASA/ESA/T. Pesquet/Alamy reader comments 29

As Hurricane Larry curved north in the Atlantic in 2021, sparing the eastern seaboard of the United States, a special instrument was waiting for it on the coast of Newfoundland. Because hurricanes feed on warm ocean water, scientists wondered whether such a storm could pick up microplastics from the sea surface and deposit them when it made landfall. Larry was literally a perfect storm: Because it hadnt touched land before reaching the island, anything it dropped would have been scavenged from the water or air, as opposed to, say, a highly populated city, where youd expect to find lots of microplastics.

As Larry passed over Newfoundland, the instrument gobbled up what fell from the sky. That included rain, of course, but also gobs of microplastics, defined as bits smaller than 5 millimeters, or about the width of a pencil eraser. At its peak, Larry was depositing over 100,000 microplastics per square meter of land per day, the researchers found in a recent paper published in the journal Communications Earth and Environment. Add hurricanes, then, to the growing list of ways that tiny plastic particles are not only infiltrating every corner of the environment, but readily moving between land, sea, and air.

As humanity churns out exponentially more plastic in general, so does the environment get contaminated with exponentially more microplastics. The predominant thinking used to be that microplastics would flush into the ocean and stay there: Washing synthetic clothing like polyester, for instance, releases millions of microfibers per load of laundry, which then flow out to sea in wastewater. But recent research has found that the seas are in fact burping the particles into the atmosphere to blow back onto land, both when waves break and when bubbles rise to the surface, flinging microplastics into sea breezes.

The instrument in a clearing on Newfoundland was quite simple: a glass cylinder, holding a little bit of ultrapure water, securely attached to the ground with wooden stakes. Every six hours before, during, and after the hurricane, the researchers would come and empty out the water, which would have collected any particles fallingboth with and without rainon Newfoundland. Its just a place that experiences a lot of extreme weather events, says Earth scientist Anna Ryan of Dalhousie University, lead author of the paper. Also, its fairly remote, and its got a pretty low population density. So you dont have a bunch of nearby sources of microplastics. Advertisement

The team found that even before and after Larry, tens of thousands of microplastics fell per square meter of land per day. But when the hurricane hit, that figure spiked up to 113,000. We found a lot of microplastics deposited during the peak of the hurricane, says Ryan, but also, overall deposition was relatively high compared to previous studies. These studies were done during normal conditions, but in more remote locations, she says.

The researchers also used a technique known as back trajectory modelingbasically simulating where the air that arrived at the instrument had been previously. That confirmed that Larry had picked up the microplastics at sea, lofted them into the air, and dumped them on Newfoundland. Indeed, previous research has estimated that somewhere between 12 and 21 million metric tons of microplastic swirl in just the top 200 meters of the Atlantic, and that was a significant underestimate because it didnt count microfibers. The Newfoundland study notes that Larry happened to pass over the garbage patch of the North Atlantic Gyre, where currents accumulate floating plastic.

These new figures from Newfoundland are also likely to be significant underestimatesand necessarily so. It remains difficult and expensive to look for the smallest of plastic particles: This research searched for bits as small as 1.2 microns (1.2 millionths of a meter), but there were likely way, way more pieces of plastic smaller than that falling into the instrument. From previous studies, we know that theres an exponential curve for particle numbers as you go smaller, says University of Birmingham microplastic researcher Steve Allen, coauthor of the new paper. So weve been talking about 113,000 particles per square meter a day of big stuff. It just must be staggering, what is smaller.

The researchers could also determine what kinds of plastic had fallen out of the sky. We saw not an overwhelming amount of one certain polymertheres a real variety, says Ryan. In the ocean, theres such a mix of particles that you have a little bit of everything. And also because the hurricane came from so far away: It formed off the west coast of Africa, and you could potentially have particles picked up from all the way back there. Advertisement

This echoes what other scientists have been finding with microplastics in the environment. Microplastic pollution comes from so many sourcesour clothing, car tires, paint chips, broken-down bottles and bagsthat its all mixed into a kind of multi-polymer soup out there. Thats true both in the oceans and in the sky: In remote stretches of the American West, microplastic-sampling instruments similar to the one in Newfoundland have been gathering huge numbers of particles falling as plastic rain. Microplastics havent just gone airborne, but have become a fundamental component of Earths atmosphere.

So microplastics dont just flush into the sea and stay therethey blow into the atmosphere and back onto land, only to get picked back up again by winds and blown out to sea. Back and forth, back and forth. Its becoming quite clear that the ocean-to-atmosphere exchange is a very real thing, says Allen. And the numbers in this paper here are just staggering. Its arriving in Newfoundland at just the time of year when all the biotain the ponds and thingsare all just trying to fatten up and breed for winter.

Because microplastics travel so readily on winds and ocean currents, what were once considered pristine environments are now anything but. Scientists are racing to figure out how the particles are affecting the organisms there. Microplastics from Europe, for instance, have polluted the Arctic, in turn contaminating the algae Melosira arctica, which grows on the underside of sea ice. The algae are the very base of the Arctic food chain, meaning all sorts of organisms are consuming them plus their accumulated microplastic.

As if hurricanes couldnt get any worse, theyre yet another way for plastic particles to spread where they dont belong.

This story originally appeared on wired.com. reader comments 29 WIRED Wired.com is your essential daily guide to what’s next, delivering the most original and complete take you’ll find anywhere on innovation’s impact on technology, science, business and culture. Advertisement Channel Ars Technica ← Previous story Next story &rrr; Related Stories Today on Ars